Ministry of Communion to the Sick and Homebound


Coordinator: Sybil Quileza 619-600-4520
Lay Adviser: Alicia Policarpio 619-575-2240 x104

Description: To bring the Eucharist to those who are absent from the assembly due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances.  The distribution of Communion to the sick and homebound is considered a special and distinct ministry over and above that of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who will function within Mass or Communion services.


  1. Must have a good standing with the Parish and a registered contributing parishioner.
  2. Must have attended the Diocesan Liturgical Minister Formation Workshop for certification as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
  3. Must have been trained by the Parish Coordinator for the Communion to the Sick and Homebound to go over the Parish guidelines and procedures.


For more information about this ministry, check the Diocese website.

If you are interested in joining this ministry at St. Charles Parish, please contact Sybil Queliza.