Adult Confirmation Program
St. Charles Parish offers a five-month adult confirmation preparation course. This weekly formation process involves formal instruction and faith sharing sessions. It includes a study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in the context of daily life experience.
This program is open to persons who have reached their 18th birthday, have graduated from high school, have been baptized in the Catholic Church, have already received their First Holy Communion, and, for whatever reason, have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation. They are active parishioners and have a sense of commitment to their faith.
Did you miss receiving the sacrament of Confirmation? Here's your opportunity to complete the grace of Baptism and Eucharist and be sealed with the fullness of the gift of the Holy Spirit!
In order to attend this class, you must meet the following criteria:
must be a registered member of St. Charles Catholic Church.
must be a practicing adult in good standing (18 years of age, out of high school)
must have already received the Sacrament of Baptism
must have a Sponsor (the Parish can help if needed)
must be able to attend the following classes: Wednesday evenings, 6:00 PM-8:30 PM starting on January 17, 2024.
Adult Confirmation Mass date is TBD.
To register for the Adult Confirmation preparation classes, the following information must be submitted to the Catechetical Center by
January 3, 2024:
a completed Adult Confirmation Registration Form
a current dated (within 6 months) Baptismal Certificate with notations (if no notations are listed, we must have copies of all applicable certificates)
$50 fee to be paid at time of Registration. Payment can be made in person in check or cash. Or via our Donation page on our website here.
Under “Faith Formation,” enter $50. In the comment section, please enter your Name and “Adult Confirmation.” Duration Frequency is “One Time.”
Sponsors are welcome to attend classes, although it is not required. Sponsors must meet the following requirements:
he or she must be a baptized Catholic who has received the Eucharist and Confirmation
currently living a sacramental life (e.g., attending Mass regularly)
if married, in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church