St. Charles Catholic Church 990 Saturn Boulevard San Diego CA 92154 (619)423-0242
Liturgy of the Word With Children
The Church recognizes that baptized children who have yet to be fully initiated through the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation need special attention to make the Liturgy more alive to them. They need to experience an active, meaningful, and spiritual celebration of the Liturgy of the Word through careful, reflective, planning and preparation based on their age level.
The Liturgy of the Word for Children is a liturgical celebration designed for children in Grades 1-6, who attend the Sunday Masses (8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM-Spanish, and 1:00 PM).
The priest or presider calls the children to come forward and then they are sent forth to hear the Word of God. The children, together with their catechist, process to the Parish Hall where they gather to hear the same Scripture readings used in the Sunday Mass in the Church. The Children’s Lectionary is used which are shorter readings and uses the language and vocabulary that is easily understood by children. The catechist shares the homily and leads the children in a shared discussion and reflection of the readings. The children share their own understanding and everyday experience of what they heard.
If you would like more information or would like to volunteer in this ministry, please contact the Catechetical Ministry Center at 619-575-2240.
Resources on Children’s Sunday Readings and Question of the Week: