2021-2023 Diocese of San Diego Synod
A Message From Bishop Robert McElroy
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“What is God calling the Church to do at this
pivotal moment in our history?”
The diocese’s consultation of our Catholic community continues. The diocese will conduct an electronic survey starting on Sept. 6 to further understand the views of our members regarding our Church.
All participants in the survey will be completely anonymous. The survey in English and Spanish and will be available for 30 days.
Everyone is invited to participate. The survey will be sent electronically via Flocknote to everyone who is registered in our parish through that platform. Individuals may also use a QR Code to link to the survey if they are not registered through Flocknote.
The survey is the second part of the listening phase of the consultation, known as a synod. The first part involved listening to our community members in small-group sessions at parishes and schools earlier this year.
The diocese is conducting the survey to provide an opportunity for many more people to express their views, particularly those not going to Mass regularly or who have stopped practicing their faith.
Synod commissions in San Diego and the Imperial Valley will use the findings to develop recommendations to strengthen everyone’s participation in the Church at all levels, at a time when parishes and the Church itself is working toward renewal.
More information is available at sdcatholic.org.
Many thanks to our Parishioners for participating in the Synod Process. Click the link below to read the updated Synod Process Report that was compiled after our meeting notes were sent to the Diocese:
Synod Process Report