Welcome to Saint Charles


This week a Monstrance blessed by St. John Paul II to pray for vocation to the priesthood and religious life will be in the Diocese of San Diego.

August 20-September 27, 2024

See the schedule below for schedule of visits throughout the Diocese of San Diego.


2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

St. Charles Parish is pleased to participate in the 2024 “United in Christ” Annual Catholic Appeal. This appeal supports charitable needs throughout the Diocese of San Diego. Your gifts make possible the work that impacts so many in our diocese:  those who attend Catholic school, formation of new priests and care for our retired priests, evangelization and accompaniment of Young Adults, and the consoling presence of Christ for those imprisoned.

These programs, which require support from all of us, are a genuine manifestation of the faith that we share. United in the spirit of Jesus, we accomplish His mission by providing resources for these many apostolates and pastoral ministries. Please make your pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal. You can make your contribution by returning the response card you received by mail or if you did not receive a response card you can pick one up in the vestibule of the church or at the Parish Office.   Thank you for your support and together we can reach the parish assessment of $47,037.00.

Click here to donate.

2024 Llamado Católico Annual

La Parroquia de San Carlos se complace en participar en el Llamado Católico Anual 2024 "Unidos en Cristo". Este llamamiento apoya las necesidades caritativas en toda la Diócesis de San Diego. Sus donaciones hacen posible el trabajo que impacta a tantos en nuestra diócesis: los que asisten a la escuela católica, la formación de nuevos sacerdotes y el cuidado de nuestros sacerdotes jubilados, la evangelización y el acompañamiento de los Jóvenes Adultos, y la presencia consoladora de Cristo para los encarcelados.

Estos programas, los cuales requieren el apoyo de todos nosotros, son una manifestación genuina de la fe que compartimos. Unidos en el espíritu de Jesús, cumplimos con Su misión al proporcionar recursos para estos apostolados y ministerios pastorales. Por favor, haga su promesa a la Campaña Católica Anual. Puede hacer su contribución devolviendo la tarjeta de respuesta que recibió por correo o si no recibió una tarjeta de respuesta puede recoger una en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en la Oficina Parroquial.   Gracias por su apoyo y juntos podemos alcanzar la cuota parroquial de $47,037.00.

Haga clic aquí para donar.


St. Charles is now available to you on your smart phone through myParish app!! Download the app now through the App Store or Google Play.

Or click here: http://myparishapp.com/download.

Under "Find a Parish," look for Saint Charles Catholic Church. Connect with Saint Charles like never before.

Click here to see all the features of the app.





7:30 AM & 5:30 PM


8:00 AM


Saturday 5PM Vigil Mass

Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM,10:00 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish),1:00 PM 

For Holy Days: Check bulletin schedule

Visit: CatholicMassTime.org


3:30-4:30 PM (inside the church)
or by appointment


Fatima Devotion

Tuesday after the 7:30 AM Mass


First Friday after 7:30 AM Mass

until 5:00 PM Benediction

Mass in Spanish 5:00 PM

Fridays 4:15-5:15 PM



Monday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Tuesday-Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Closed for Lunch at 12:00 PM


Mondays -  9am-5pm

Tuesdays - 9am-5pm

Wednesdays - 9am-5pm

Thursdays - 9am-5pm

Fridays - 9am-5pm

Closed for Lunch at 12:00 PM